Senin, 22 April 2013



         Oyster mushrooms have a taste that is very cash. Therefore, many created foods made ​​from oyster mushrooms. Here I will give you one of recipes with basic ingredients oyster mushrooms. The name of this recipe is oyster mushroom crispy.
The materials and how to make oyster mushrooms crispy are as follows :


     One (1) pack of fresh oyster mushrooms (about 2ons)
     Item 1 egg
     Enough salt
     Moderation pepper
     100 gr Flour
     50 gr flour cornstarch
     2 g Baking Powder


     Clean the mushrooms fresh from the dirt. Sliced ​​lengthwise.
     Put the sliced ​​mushrooms into the container, flush with hot water, aduk2 briefly.
     Drain oyster mushrooms, a little press / squeeze, until the water is reduced.
     Beaten off chicken eggs, with salt and pepper, taste adjusted individual taste. Whisk until the salt dissolves.
     Dip mushrooms into beaten egg, coat evenly.
     Enter mushroom dip earlier in the flour mixture, and stir until the flour stick with diremas2 perfect in fungi.
     Heat the flame to medium alone, fried until perfectly dry powdery mildew, remove drain, ready to be served with various toppings / sprinkles / chili sauce.

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