Jumat, 26 April 2013



Oyster mushroom has a very unique flavor. Beside that, oyster mushrooms contain nutrients that are beneficial to the body and health. The nutrients contained in oyster mushrooms are as follows:

_ Water
_ Calorie
_ Carbohydrate
_ Calcium
_ Vitamin b1
_ Vitamin b2
_ Vitamin c
_ Protein

In every 100 grams oyster mushrooms, there are 367 calories, 10-30% protein, 56% carbohydrate, 17% fat, and much more. Oyster Mushrooms calories are contained kj/100 is 100 grams with 72 percent saturated fat. Oyster mushrooms contain fiber content up to 24% so it is perfect for dieting.

The nutrient contents provided many benefits for our body, such as:

lowering cholesterol,
- anti-bacterial,
- anti-cancer

So, the oyster mushrooms are also widely used to treat a variety of diseases ranging from diabetes, liver, and other. Mushrooms also contain lots of fiber, so it can be used for diet.

With many nutrients and benefits of oyster mushrooms, 
So, oyster mushrooms can be used as an alternative to maintain the health of our bodies.

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