Minggu, 21 April 2013

Drying Oyster Mushroom

Drying Oyster Mushroom

White oyster mushrooms after harvest easily damaged. One methods to
extend the shelf life of white oyster mushroom is by drying. In this study used a
cabinet dryer. The purpose of this study was to determine the value of the white
oyster mushroom drying characteristics which include the rate of drying, drying
constants and equilibrium moisture content of dried oyster mushrooms using the
dryer cabinet type, and know the value of water content, decrease weight, color,
and texture of mushrooms dried oysters. This study used the treatment of different
drying air temperatures, 50°C, 60°C, and 70°C, repeated 3 times to obtain 9 units
The results showed that the characteristic values of each temperature
treatment produces different values. The higher the temperatures result in lower
water content, higher drying rate, lower equilibrium moisture, and higher weight
losses. The score of the highest rehydration ratio was found in mushroom dried at
50oC. The test showed that the drying temperature of 50oC result in the highest
value of lightness. The lower the drying temperature, the higher the value of the
lightness. The test that the drying temperature of 70°C result in the harder of the
texture. The higher the drying temperature the harder texture of dried oyster

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